Frustrated trying to download map

basically i have a TON of nostalgia for the dropper map but it was taken off the server recently sadly, and I wanted to download it to play singleplayer

problem is that the process of getting the map downloaded is nonfunctional and completely broken, the download brings me to a sketchy site where i have to wait an hour to get the download link Screenshot by Lightshot which would be fine, it the link even worked

Screenshot by Lightshot ive tried disabling my adblocker, using firefox and google chrome, NOTHING, then i tried to join the tallcraft discord to ask for help but the ‘/discord link’ to allow yourself to see channels or send messages doesnt even work and says ‘you dont have permission to use this command’.

so i cant download the map, cant talk in the discord, nothing works, idk what to do im completely lost here

The Tallcraft Dropper download is not hosted on that site. I’m not sure where you found that but the link to download the map is Right Here (Direct Download)

Refer to This Post for further questions about getting it up and running :smiley:

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dude thank you so so much :pray: deeply appreciate it

i got the download from here btw but i guess it’s just really really outdated TALLCRAFT DROPPER - Minecraft 1.10 dropper map collection - Constantly upgraded with new maps! - Maps - Mapping and Modding: Java Edition - Minecraft Forum - Minecraft Forum

That post is almost 10 years old :sweat_smile:

Yes, that’s the original post. However we no longer have control over it so we can’t update it.

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