How to install and use Simple Voice Chat mod?

Hello everyone, this is Sam, and in this topic, I will provide you with some explanations about the Simple Voice Chat mod.

What is the Simple Voice Chat mod?
The “Simple Voice Chat” mod is a modification that adds a voice chat feature to the game. With this mod, players can communicate using their voices instead of relying solely on text chat. It enriches the multiplayer experience by enabling real-time voice communication during gameplay. This mod proves particularly useful for cooperative gameplay, enhancing teamwork and coordination among players.

How to install the mod?

1- Install Forge/Fabric:
To run this mod, you need Forge or Fabric.
You can download Forge from here.
And you can download Fabric from here.

2- Download and Install The Voice Chat Mod:
After installing Forge/Fabric, you must download the Voice Chat mod. You can get it from here.
Make sure to download a version that matches your Minecraft version.

Once the file is downloaded, place it in the ‘mods’ folder.
Where is the mods folder? It’s located at C:/Users/hp/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/mods/

3- Launch Minecraft and Join Tallcraft:
Now, launch Minecraft and connect to the Tallcraft server, then enter the Survival server to start chatting with your friends!
Note that this mod doesn’t work in the main lobby or the Dropper lobby.

On macOS you need to use a custom launcher to get microphone permissions to work: MacOS Microphone Permission | Simple Voice Chat