I would like to get unbanned from this server

Ok I got banned about a year ago because i user I think racial and homophobic slurs
I feel so bad and now I hate my old self for saying those things I tought they were opinions but now I’ve erased my homophobia I came out a few weeks ago and I remembered this server was pretty fun I would like to play on it and apologize to everyone that I might have offended

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Your bans: Tallcraft Players
First ban was this:

Content Warning

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First warn + second ban was minor advertising, not really related to current ban.
Third ban was this:

Content Warning

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yes i was an edgy boy looking for attention and i tought racism was funny and i had hate towards people different than me but now i have changed and i really apologize to everyone that might have felt unsafe i know what it feels like to be called slurs or to see people use them
(i read all the things i said i that just made me hate myself even more)
By originally banning me you did a good thing you stopped me from spreading hate towards others but now I have changed and I would like to apologize to everyone I could have hurt and I feel very bad for my actions
At that time I believed it was ok to say those things cause they were my opinions now I realize those weren’t opinions they were hate homophobia racism transphobia

So starfield I’m really sorry I said racist things
My dumb brain tought those things were okay now I know they were racism and discrimination against people I didn’t understand

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