My ban / Mi baneo

Hace aproximadamente un año y medio que estoy baneado por incumplir las normas del server, (por insultar).
Me gustaría mucho volver a entrar en vuestro magnífico server, hace demasiado tiempo que no juego a dropper y este es el mejor server para ello. A partir de ahora, prometo no incumplir mas la normas del servidor, ni, por lo tanto, insultar a nadie mas en vuestro chat. Espero que leáis este mensaje.



PD: Llevo un año y medio!!! :slight_smile:

About a year and a half ago I was banned for violating the rules of the server (for insulting).

I would very much like to re-enter your magnificent server, for too long I have not played a dropper and this is the best server for it. From now on, I promise not to violate the rules of the server, or, therefore, insult anyone else in your chat. I hope you read this message.



PD: I’ve been banned for a year and a half !!!


Awaiting reply from @Thierrycool and @Razew

Thanks for the translation! :smiley:

I saw this but didn’t reply as my part of the ban was just a local Survival ban and the player seems to just want to play on Dropper, so my ban wouldn’t interfere with that.
That being said, my ban was for griefing, but I don’t have the screenshot as of now.

I don’t have anything to say about the global ban really, as I don’t know what happened there.

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I can’t seem to find the screenshots, so I’ll give you another chance.

Player unbanned.
Dispute closed.