Player list for G19

I’ve been using a Logitech G19 keyboard for several years now and along with macro- and multimedia-keys it also comes with a little color LCD-screen…
So I’ve just decided to write a tiny program that shows the list of players currentlny online on Survival… On my keyboard! :smiley:

Currently it shows just the list of players along with their head next to them.


(Sorry for the bad picture quality, but I only have a potato-phone currently. :slight_smile: )


Wow Im surprised!
Tbh I didnt know this works

Ok, now it allows you to select a player and get more information about them using the App-Buttons to the left of the display.

The numbers to the right of the player in the player list show the distance to the selected player.


Note that the colors aren’t off in person, that’s just this terrible camera.

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