Personally, it would sound like an adventure!
Imagine there’s some guy who has a shop for Shulker Shells for $2k… I’d start figuring out how to get there, and begin my trek! 
Well, the chest shop plugin has to store its data somewhere, and I imagine it saves the following information:
- Chest coordinates
- Name of the person that offers the item
- Name of the item that’s being offered
- Amount of items being offered
- Price for the offered amount
Incidentally all the things I’d like to filter on! Except maybe player name, although it could be handy to see how many shops you have up yourself, in case you came back after being gone a long time (like I’ve done twice now
I’m hoping the format of the data is easily accessible by the server administrators, so if that data is fed into a table format, you should be able to filter on those things. To oversimplify, it’d be like an Excel sheet with filtering enabled.
To be clear, the website would be a View-only type of situation in this proposal - if you want to create your chest shop, you’d still have to do it in-game.
As for linking with the Dynmap, that shouldn’t be too hard, since it uses specific arguments in the URL, like for instance this one, which contains the world name, along with the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates:
Minecraft Dynamic Map
As for figuring out how many items are in that specific chest, I’m hoping it’s easy. However, it’s quite plausible that’s not saved in the same place, since the chest shop plugin (as far as I know) only provides the functionality, and the success and error messages (like a user not having enough money, the chest being full, out of stock).