Dear Tallcraft Community,
After 14 wonderful years of operation since 2011, we’ve made the decision to shut down the Tallcraft Minecraft server network on 2025-04-29T22:00:00Z. The server will be online until this date, after which it will be permanently shut down.
Starting from today the server will no longer accept new players. Anyone who has connected to the server before will still be able to join until the shut down date.
What is being shut down?
All of our Minecraft servers. That includes Tallcraft Survival and our modded BetterMC server.
The forum will stay online a bit longer. We are planning to keep the Discord server so that community members can still connect.
Why are you shutting down?
Tallcraft has been a big part of my life. I’ve been meeting wonderful people from all over the world. A big part of running the server has also been the technical work involved. I’ve learned so much and spent much of my free time on making the server the best it can be. Unfortunately during the last couple years I couldn’t invest enough time to make it truly great anymore. The server has mostly been in “maintenance mode”. You deserve better than that. That’s why I’ve decided to stop the project.
World Download
We want to enable players to download their creations. Unfortunately providing all worlds as download isn’t possible for privacy reasons. Players write books, signs and create custom items. Some with the expectations that only they or their friends can read them.
As an alternative I suggest to use a world downloader mod. Using this mod you can log on to Tallcraft and travel to all the places that are meaningful to you. It will create a local copy of the world. Make sure to open all the chests that you want preserved so that their contents can be downloaded too.
I’ve tested and can recommend WorldTools, which is a popular world downloader mod. We’ll create another post with instructions on how to set it up.
If, in the future, I figure out a way to scrub the worlds of potentially sensitive data I’ll reconsider providing a full download. For now though, please consider using the mod.
Thank You
I want to give a big shoutout to all the volunteer staff over the years. It would not have been possible without you:
philipekul, dbr9_legend, malusdominus, trevisaur, lonejasmine, sasko2k, galaxyt10, g_mixers, mr_butternubs, someonedifferent, kulkinz, kiloari, jhwarren12345, meowinginsanely, nixnameable, thierrycool, letalis_rose, lordofthebyeway, _legion__, claudebj443, ludwighehe, bubble_gum35, freaky_frog
If your name is not on this list, please let me know. I’ve tried my best compiling the list, but the project has been around for so long that it’s hard to keep track.
Thank you for being part of this journey since 2011. It’s been an honor hosting this community. <3
Emma (Tallcraft)
Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ will be extended as questions come up. Please post yours below!
Can we continue the project somehow? Why are you not handing over the server to somebody else?
Unfortunately maintaining a server at this size is not trivial engineering but also cost wise. I was not able to find somebody who is both willing to take on this work and cost and who I trust to do it. Feel free to spin up your own server in Tallcraft’s spirit, but please don’t call it “Tallcraft”.
Why does the Discord link no longer work?
Since we’re sunsetting the server we only want existing users and their friends to keep using the Discord. If you’re a member of the Discord server you can still invite others. We might change this policy in the future.