Hi My minecraft user is QueenDesSabo. I was banned back in 2017 for hateful speech I don’t quiet remember what I said but I was wondering if it was possible if i could get unbanned I do miss the server a bit. Ive also grown a lot since then and know how to be respecful.
Hi I made a form but you guys never got back too me, My Minecraft name is QueenDesSabo i was banned back in 2017 not sure what i said but i assure you ive grown since then and was wondering if i could get unbanned miss the server a lot
Staff are volunteers and may take a bit to get to your ban dispute - please be patient.
Hello QueenDesSabo!
Since it has been years since your ban, we have decided to unban you. Please remember to read the rules before rejoining. Welcome back!
I will thank you so much
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